Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Recruitment and Selection

What is Recruitment and Selection?

Recruitment and selection are a procedure of gaining the best people on a timely basis, in adequate individuals and with suitable staff with educational and other qualifications. The procedures in selection contain screening applications, testing and evaluating work tests, interviewing, looking into references of the suitability and family status or the background. Companies utilize these procedures to improve the probability of enlisting people who have the correct aptitudes and capacities to be effective at their occupations. (Saviour, et al., 2016)

Recruitment and selection procedures have essentials of influenced decision inherent in them. But treating job candidates in a qualified and confident method, whether the candidate is effective or not effective, with a positive sight of the company and how it has deal with the candidates. (Saviour, et al., 2016)

According to Anosh, et al., 2014, Recruitment and Selection refers to,

• “Defining requirements – preparing job descriptions and specifications; deciding terms and conditions of employment.

 • Attracting candidates – reviewing and evaluating alternative sources of applicants, inside and outside the company, advertising, using agencies and consultants. Attracting candidates is primarily a matter of identifying, evaluating and using the most appropriate sources of applicants.

 • Selecting candidates – sifting applications, interviewing, testing, assessing candidates, assessment centers, offering employment, obtaining references; preparing contracts of employment”. (Anosh, et al., 2014)

Recruitment is the way towards recognizing that the organization needs to utilize somebody up to the time when application frames for the post have touched base at the association. Choice at that point comprises of the procedures engaged with looking over candidates a reasonable possibility to fill a post. Preparing comprises of a scope of procedures engaged with ensuring that activity holders have the correct aptitudes, information and frames of mind required to assist the association with achieving its targets. Enlisting people to fill specific posts inside a business should be possible either inside by recruitment inside the firm, or remotely by selecting individuals from outside. (Studies, 2019)


Anosh, M., Hamad , . N. & Batool , A., 2014. Impact of Recruitment and selection of HR Department Practices. European Journal of Business and Management , 6(31), pp. 200-206.

Saviour, A. W., Kofi, . A., Yao , B. D. & Kafui , L. A., 2016. The Impact of Effective Recruitment and Selection Practice on Organisational Performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and Management, 16(11), pp. 24-34.

Studies, B. C., 2019. Business Case Studies. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13th June 2019].


  1. According to the articular (Anosh, et al., 2014,) the recruitment is the process of "Defining requirements, Attracting candidates, Selecting candidates & acquiesce the candidates to the company."

  2. Recruitment is the procedures engaged with looking over candidates a reasonable possibility to fill a post.

    1. Recruitment is a process that needs to handle with extra care, since, for organizations, it is essential to choose the right person from the beginning.

  3. Recruitment is defined as the process of identifying and making the potential candidates to apply for the jobs. Selection is defined as the process of choosing the right candidates for the vacant positions.

  4. The overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization.[1] Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for unpaid roles.

  5. In others words, selection can also be explained as the process of interviewing the candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are required for a specific job and then choosing the suitable candidate for the position.

  6. To increase the efficiency of hiring, it is recommended that the HR team of an organization follows the five best practices (as shown in the following image). These five practices ensure successful recruitment without any interruptions. In addition, these practices also ensure consistency and compliance in the recruitment process.

  7. Recruitment is defined as the process of identifying and making the potential candidates to apply for the jobs. 👇

    Selection is defined as the process of choosing the right candidates for the vacant positions 😊

  8. A good process not only finds great employees but saves you time and money on replacing and training new people.

  9. An effective recruitment and selection process is very important for an organization which clearly identifies the organizational needs and try to match those needs with the right candidate, who will fit into your organization both on paper and in practice. This step of HR ensure that you have right set of people to carry on the work and achieve goals.

  10. The most important and overriding aim of recruitment and selection is that the right candidate takes the vacancy present at the organization.
