Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Theories of Selection

Defined Models of Selection

Macro-model (selection process-map)

With relevant to situation of recruitment, this macro-model for selection is focused at strategic human resource development. This model delivers a process-map that describes the stages from the beginning and the preliminary screening and interview of the candidate to decide final decision on offering the position to the job applicant.

Meso-model (a): Selection phases

In order to assemble a comprehensive micro-model, meso-model below signifies the phases for selection.

 According to the (Thebe & Waldt, 2014),

 “Phase I: Reception interview/initial screening interview

 Phase II: Application blank/form

 Phase III: In-depth or selection interview

 Phase IV: Background and reference checking

 Phase V: Medical and physical examination (pre-employment testing)

 Phase VI: Assessment center /work samples

 Phase VII: Make a final hiring decision

 Phase VIII: Make a fair job offer”.


Thebe, T. P. & Waldt, G. V. d., 2014. A Recruitment and Selection Process Model: The case of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.. Academia, 22(3), pp. 1-31.


  1. There are another most common 10 models according to the below mentioned reference.

  2. n order to recruit and select human potentials from the possible source, some models are practised as the effective in the organization level. Though psychometric model is traditional one, it is widely used either in public or private institutions; and social perspective or exchange model is being taken into consideration as the best practice in HRM. To overcome the limitations of psychometric model of R &S, academics and practitioners emphasize on social perspective model to recruit and select best suited persons for the organization.

  3. Recruit and selection human possibilities from the conceivable source, a few models are drilled as the successful in the association level. In spite of the fact that psychometric model is customary one, it is generally utilized either in broad daylight or private foundations; and social point of view or trade model is being thought about as the best practice in HRM. To beat the confinements of psychometric model of R &S, scholastics and professionals underscore on social point of view model to enlist and choose most appropriate people for the association.

  4. Employing competent individuals requires setting up effective recruitment and selection procedures designed to ‘select the right individuals and reject the wrong ones’. Poor selection decisions can be quite expensive in terms of the time and cost involved in retraining poor performers, dealing with disciplinary cases and replacing wrongly selected individuals who leave shortly after resuming.

  5. In its most basic forms, model selection is one of the fundamental tasks of scientific inquiry. Determining the principle that explains a series of observations is often linked directly to a mathematical model predicting those observations. For example, when Galileo performed his inclined plane experiments, he demonstrated that the motion of the balls fitted the parabola predicted by his model

  6. So, to make progress in our understanding of theory selection in modal epistemology,,,,,

    we need to articulate and examine the various desiderata. 😊

  7. specific experience in relation to your job opening and what they can do for you company. Your focus during job interviews should not be to determine how applicants performed for others in the past, but on how they might perform for you in the future
