Wednesday, June 19, 2019


What is Recruitment?

According to Sage, “Recruitment is the process of actively seeking out, finding and hiring candidates for a specific position or job. The recruitment definition includes the entire hiring process, from inception to the individual recruit’s integration into the company”. (Sage, 2019)

Human Resource Management, also called HRM or HR for short, is the meaning of managing people within the company. HR is in charge of encouraging the general objectives of the association through effective management of human assets — concentrating on workers as the organization's most significant resource. Recruitment is the initial phase in structure a company's human capital. The objectives are to find and contract the best applicants, on schedule, and on spending plan. (Recruiter, 2019)

Recruitment is the development whereby an association creates a group of trained, expert and educated individuals applying to an association for service. With refer to the above statement the focus on the company to find the best suitable applicant who can satisfy the necessity for employment. it is the procedure of gaining candidates with the essential work experience, required main competencies such as skills, knowledge, attitude and education for a job position. Recruitment is focused at gaining the right talent and number of appropriate individuals to fulfill the available positions in the company.

Recruitment is defined as a procedure where organization uses approaches and procedures to officially gain competent individuals to fulfill available positions. Recruitment is a development of fascinating a group of highly qualifies candidates to choose the best among all.  Recruitment is simply attracting and obtaining capable group of applicants relevant to the necessities of the occupation or important position. (Otoo , et al., 2018)


Otoo , I. C., Assuming , J. & Agyei , P. M., 2018. Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Practices in Public Sector Higher Education Institutions: Evidence from Ghana. European Scientific Journal , 14(13), pp. 199-214.

Recruiter, S., 2019. Smart Recruiter. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12th June 2019].

Sage, 2019. Sage. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12th June 2019].


What is Selection?

According to Business Jargon, “The Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidate for the vacant position in the organization. In other words, selection means weeding out unsuitable applicants and selecting those individuals with prerequisite qualifications and capabilities to fill the jobs in the organization”. (Jargons, 2019)

Regularly, the selection and recruitment are utilized conversely yet anyway both have distinctive extension. The previous is a negative procedure that discards lot of number inadequate candidates to hire the best applicant in order to obtain the confident procedure that fascinates more and more applicants and inspires them to apply for the available vacancies. (Jargons, 2019)

Selection is another step of the employment procedure.  Selection is utilized for the procedure of recognizing the best fitting and right person for a specific profession.  Over selection, the required performance for the job role is anticipated and candidates must accomplish the performance necessity before they would be selected and finalized to the job role.

The requirement of selection is to recognize candidates to fulfill available positions in a company. Candidates should to meet exact necessities linked to capabilities of the vacancy. According to (Otoo , et al., 2018) defined selection as, “the process of trying to determine which individuals will best match particular jobs, taking into account individual differences such as potentials an applicant could bring on board” and also defined as “evaluation of candidates, using prescribed methods and strategies to ascertain how best to choose highly qualified personnel”

According to (Otoo , et al., 2018) “following as some of the purposes for selection and the aspects to consider when selecting:

  • ·         “Gather relevant information of applicants.
  • ·         Analyze, organize, and evaluate information of applicants to make a choice.
  • ·         Assess each applicant to determine their suitability
  • ·         Provide information of the company to applicants for them to make a decision to work in the company”.


Jargons, B., 2019. Business Jargons. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12th June 2019].

Otoo , I. C., Assuming , J. & Agyei , P. M., 2018. Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Practices in Public Sector Higher Education Institutions: Evidence from Ghana. European Scientific Journal , 14(13), pp. 199-214.

Recruitment and Selection

What is Recruitment and Selection?

Recruitment and selection are a procedure of gaining the best people on a timely basis, in adequate individuals and with suitable staff with educational and other qualifications. The procedures in selection contain screening applications, testing and evaluating work tests, interviewing, looking into references of the suitability and family status or the background. Companies utilize these procedures to improve the probability of enlisting people who have the correct aptitudes and capacities to be effective at their occupations. (Saviour, et al., 2016)

Recruitment and selection procedures have essentials of influenced decision inherent in them. But treating job candidates in a qualified and confident method, whether the candidate is effective or not effective, with a positive sight of the company and how it has deal with the candidates. (Saviour, et al., 2016)

According to Anosh, et al., 2014, Recruitment and Selection refers to,

• “Defining requirements – preparing job descriptions and specifications; deciding terms and conditions of employment.

 • Attracting candidates – reviewing and evaluating alternative sources of applicants, inside and outside the company, advertising, using agencies and consultants. Attracting candidates is primarily a matter of identifying, evaluating and using the most appropriate sources of applicants.

 • Selecting candidates – sifting applications, interviewing, testing, assessing candidates, assessment centers, offering employment, obtaining references; preparing contracts of employment”. (Anosh, et al., 2014)

Recruitment is the way towards recognizing that the organization needs to utilize somebody up to the time when application frames for the post have touched base at the association. Choice at that point comprises of the procedures engaged with looking over candidates a reasonable possibility to fill a post. Preparing comprises of a scope of procedures engaged with ensuring that activity holders have the correct aptitudes, information and frames of mind required to assist the association with achieving its targets. Enlisting people to fill specific posts inside a business should be possible either inside by recruitment inside the firm, or remotely by selecting individuals from outside. (Studies, 2019)


Anosh, M., Hamad , . N. & Batool , A., 2014. Impact of Recruitment and selection of HR Department Practices. European Journal of Business and Management , 6(31), pp. 200-206.

Saviour, A. W., Kofi, . A., Yao , B. D. & Kafui , L. A., 2016. The Impact of Effective Recruitment and Selection Practice on Organisational Performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and Management, 16(11), pp. 24-34.

Studies, B. C., 2019. Business Case Studies. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13th June 2019].

Theories of Recruitment

Defined Models of Recruitment

Macro-model (recruitment process-map)

The macro theory for recruitment is focused at strategic human resource development and delivers a procedure describing the stages from the identifying the necessity to hire, up to executing assessment and control of recruitment. (Thebe & Waldt, 2014)

Meso-model: Recruitment phase

In order to assemble a comprehensive micro-model, meso-model below signifies the phases for recruitment and selection.

 According to the (Thebe & Waldt, 2014),

“Phase I: Identify the need to recruit

 Phase II: Update the job description, the job specification and the job profile

 Phase III: Determine the key performance areas of the job

 Phase IV: Consult and refer to the recruitment and selection policy and procedure manual

 Phase V: Consider the sources of recruitment

Phase VI: Choose the appropriate recruitment method

 Phase VII: Develop the recruitment advertisement

 Phase VIII: Place the advertisement in the most appropriate and suitable media

 Phase IX: Ensure availability of application blanks/forms

 Phase X: Screen responses/screening”.


Thebe, T. P. & Waldt, G. V. d., 2014. A Recruitment and Selection Process Model: The case of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.. Academia, 22(3), pp. 1-31.

Theories of Selection

Defined Models of Selection

Macro-model (selection process-map)

With relevant to situation of recruitment, this macro-model for selection is focused at strategic human resource development. This model delivers a process-map that describes the stages from the beginning and the preliminary screening and interview of the candidate to decide final decision on offering the position to the job applicant.

Meso-model (a): Selection phases

In order to assemble a comprehensive micro-model, meso-model below signifies the phases for selection.

 According to the (Thebe & Waldt, 2014),

 “Phase I: Reception interview/initial screening interview

 Phase II: Application blank/form

 Phase III: In-depth or selection interview

 Phase IV: Background and reference checking

 Phase V: Medical and physical examination (pre-employment testing)

 Phase VI: Assessment center /work samples

 Phase VII: Make a final hiring decision

 Phase VIII: Make a fair job offer”.


Thebe, T. P. & Waldt, G. V. d., 2014. A Recruitment and Selection Process Model: The case of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.. Academia, 22(3), pp. 1-31.

Recruitment Process

What is the Recruitment Process?

Recruitment can be viewed as the way toward pulling in competitors in adequate numbers and with suitable ranges of abilities and urging them to apply for opportunities inside the Organization. The recruitment procedure commonly comprises of an arrangement of steps that should be pursued to guarantee that the most ideal activity candidate is delegated regarding significant information, abilities and capacities. These means give a successive and efficient method for dealing with the recruitment procedure. Normally such an administration procedure begins off with human asset intending to decide the substances of free market activity confronting the work power. This is trailed by contemplation's of an increasingly operational nature. These incorporate an intensive activity examination, the nature and necessities of the occupant for the position, and the idea of the activity. (Thebe & Waldt, 2014).

Common sequential steps in the recruitment process

According to the (Thebe & Waldt, 2014),

“ Step 1: Identify the need to recruit/determine whether a vacancy exist

Step 2: Update the job description, specification and profile

Step 3: Determine the key performance areas of the job/recruitment planning

Step 4: Consult the recruitment policy and procedure

Step 5: Consider the sources of recruitment (searching)

Step 6: Choose the appropriate recruitment method

Step 7: Develop the recruitment advertisement/strategy development

Step 8: Place the advertisement in the most appropriate and suitable communication medium/implement a decision

Step 9: Ensuring availability of application blanks/ensure pool of potential qualified applications/allow sufficient time for responses

Step 10: Screen responses/screening

Stage 11: Recruitment evaluation and control “


Thebe, T. P. & Waldt, G. V. d., 2014. A Recruitment and Selection Process Model: The case of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.. Academia, 22(3), pp. 1-31.

Steps of a Recruitment Process

Steps of a Recruitment Process According to Business Jargon,

Recruitment Planning:

The recruitment procedure starts with the arranging where in the empty employment positions are investigated and the job draft is organized that includes work particulars and its tendency, aptitudes, capabilities, experience required for the activity.

Strategy Development:

Strategy Development:
When the complete job draft is prepared, and the type and the number of recruits required are decided upon; the next step is to decide a strategy that is adopted while recruiting the prospective candidates in the organization. The subsequent strategic deliberations should be kept in mind:

When the complete activity draft is ready, and the sort and the quantity of enlisted people required are settled on; the subsequent stage is to choose a methodology that is embraced while selecting the forthcoming applicants in the company. The below key observations should be remembered:

1.      Make or Buy Employees
2.      Methods of Recruitment
3.      Geographical Area
4.      Sources of Recruitment, (there are two sources of Recruitment)
·         Internal Recruitment (With in the Organization)
·         External Recruitment (Outside of the Organization)


When the methodology is organized the quest for the applicants can be introduced. It incorporates two stages: source actuation and selling. The source initiation implies, the quest for the applicant actuates on the worker order for example until and except if the line managers checks that the opportunity exists, the inquiry procedure can't be started.


The screening intends to shortlist the utilization's of the contender for further determination process. In spite of the fact that, the screening is considered as the beginning stage of choice yet is basic to the recruitment procedure. This is on the grounds that the choice procedure starts simply after the applications are investigated and shortlisted based on occupation necessities. The reason for recruitment here is to evacuate those applications at a beginning time which unmistakably is by all accounts unfit for the activity. 

Evaluation and Control:

Evaluation and control are the last step in the enrollment procedure wherein the legitimacy and viability of the procedure and the techniques utilized in that is surveyed. This stage is essential in light of the fact that the firm needs to check the yield as far as the expense brought about. (Jargons, 2019)


Jargons, B., 2019. Business Jargons. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12th June 2019].

Selection Process

What is Selection Process?

Selection pursues the enrollment procedure and its point is to choose from a gathering of candidates the person who are fit best for a specific position. Selection along these lines satisfactorily coordinates the activity candidate with the activity necessities. The Selection procedure for the most part starts by checking on the applications got through the company's recruitment endeavors. As on account of recruitment, the means in the selection procedure are consecutive in nature.

Common sequential steps in the Selection process

According to the (Thebe & Waldt, 2014),

“Step 1: Reception and initial screening interview

Step 2: Application form

Step 3: In-depth selection interview

Step 4: Background and reference checking

Step 5: Medical examination and physical pre-employment testing

Step 6: Assessment centers

Step 7: Make a final hiring decision

Step 8: Final decision and make a fair job offer Table 3 below illustrates the combined sequential steps in the recruitment and selection process. This combined perspective is necessary to populate the comprehensive-process model for recruitment and selection”.

The selection procedure can be considered as the procedure of selection and shortlisting of the correct applicants with the important capabilities and range of abilities to fill the opportunities in a company. The selection procedure differs from business to business, organization to organization and even among divisions of a similar organization.  (Toppr, 2019)

Steps of a Selection Process According to Business Jargon,

Preliminary Interview:

The preliminary interview is also called as a screening interview wherein those candidates are eliminated from the further selection process who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria as required by the organization.

Receiving Applications:

Once the individual qualifies the preliminary interview he is required to fill in the application form in the prescribed format. This application contains the candidate data such as age, qualification, experience, etc.

Screening Applications:

When the applications are acknowledged, these are screened by the screening council, who at that point set up a list of those candidates whom they find reasonable for the meetings. The shortlisting criteria could be the age, sex, capability, experience of a person. When the list is readied, the certified competitors are required the meeting either through an enlisted mail or messages.

Employment Tests:

To check the psychological capacity and range of abilities of an individual, a few tests are led. For example, knowledge tests, bent tests, intrigue tests, mental tests, character tests, and so on.

Employment Interview:

The one on one session with the applicant is led to acquire bits of knowledge about him. Here, the questioner poses inquiries from the candidate to find progressively about him and to give him the exact image of the sort of an occupation he is required to perform. (Jargons, 2019)


Jargons, B., 2019. Business Jargond. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14th June 2019].

Thebe, T. P. & Waldt, G. V. d., 2014. A Recruitment and Selection Process Model: The case of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.. Academia, 22(3), pp. 1-31.

Toppr, 2019. Toppr. [Online] 

Available at:
[Accessed 13th June 2019].

Internal Sources and External Sources of Recruitment

Internal Sources of Recruitment

According to Business Jargons, “The Internal Sources of Recruitment mean hiring people from within the organization. In other words, seeking applicants for the job positions from those who are currently employed with the firm”. (Jargons, 2019)

Following are the most common types of Internal Source of Recruitment's


Transfer means moving a representative starting with one employment then onto the next, commonly of comparative nature, with no adjustment in his position and obligation. The motivation behind a representative exchange is to empower him to get knowledgeable with the wide based perspective on the association which is fundamental for the advancements in future.

Promotions are the most widely recognized type of inside enlistment wherein the representatives are moved to the upper dimensions of the company with greater duty and status.

According to Business Jargons, “When the higher level positions fall vacant companies recruit from within the organization so as to capitalize one of the following benefits:

  • ·         The employee is familiar with the working of the organization.
  • ·         Less cost is incurred as compared to hiring the person from the external sources.
  • ·         The chances of selection are bright since the performance card of the individual is readily available with the firm.
  • ·         It boosts the morale of the employee.
  • ·         The others in the organization also get motivated to work harder to get promoted to the higher levels of the organization”. (Jargons, 2019)

Employee Referrals

The present representatives can refers their loved ones to the activity. They are very much aware of the authoritative culture, working conditions and employment prerequisites. On the off chance that they discover their companions or family appropriate for such position can prescribe their names to the administration for enlistment. (Jargons, 2019)

External Sources of Recruitment

According to Business Jargons, “he External Sources of Recruitment mean hiring people from outside the organization. In other words, seeking applicants from those who are external to the organization”. (Jargons, 2019)

Following are the most common types of Internal Source of Recruitment's

Media Advertisement:

Recruiting through source of external recruiting. The ads in newspapers, professional journals, give a complete detail about the organization.

Employment Exchange

Employee exchange is the office run by the administration where the particulars about the work searchers such as name, qualification, experience.

Direct Recruitment

The straight recruitment also named as factory entrance recruitment is a significant foundation of employing, particularly the untrained workforces who are remunerated on a daily-wage base.

Casual Callers

The easygoing guests, likewise called as spontaneous applications are the activity searchers who gone to the well-eminent organizations calmly and either mail or drop in their activity applications looking for the opening for work.

The easygoing guests, likewise called as unstructured applications are the activity searchers who gone to the well-eminent companies calmly and either mail or drop in their activity applications looking for the opening for work.

Educational Institutions or Campus Placement

Generating a near connection with the educational establishments for the recruitment of scholars with practical and specialized experiences has developed a shared repetition of external recruitment.

Labor Contractors

This is the greatest shared procedure of external recruitment where the employment workers who are either working with the firm or have a contract to stream workforces to the firm for the achievement of an exact kind of a job.


This is once more a straight procedure of recruitment where the potential applicants are wished an ad to originate and apply for the vacancy.


The e-recruiting refers on penetrating and screening the potential applicants automatically.

Management Consultants

There are numerous secluded administration corporations that performance as a trader among the recruiter and the recruit. (Jargons, 2019)


Jargons, B., 2019. Business Jargons. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14th June 2019].

Jargons, B., 2019. Business Jargons. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14th June 2019].